Exxon Mobil Facility PNG

CE Group’s Managed Services Team were contracted to perform task novation works on Exxon Mobil’s Papua New Guinea Head Quarters as part of their PNG LNG presence in the region. The building was constructed to international standards for energy efficiency and environmental management. Features included the use of solar panels to supplement gas heating for hot water and motion sensors and timers controlling lighting to reduce energy consumption.

Ichthys Onshore Operating Facility – BLDG 1

CE Groups Managed Services team was deployed to assist Veolia Energy in the completion of the Mechanical Electrical, BMS and automated control applications of the Ichthy’s Gas Facility after the previously engaged contractor went into liquidation. The operation’s facility of the gas plant consisted of a range of diverse buildings, including a warehouse, hazardous chemical area, cafeteria, research and development area, laboratories and the gas plant’s main control room.

Wynn Palace, Macau

CE Groups Managed Services team were engaged to provide electrical services support on the 4.6 billion dollar Wynn Palace Casino. The Casino consists of 1,700 rooms with 29 floors and has a construction floor around 450,000 square meters. The team were given the task of accelerating the electrical works to achieve fixed project milestones.

POM Power Station, Port Moresby

CE Group have been engaged to provide labour services for the development of the POM Power Station near Port Moresby, as part of the Clough Wartsila Joint Venture.

The project consists of one Site Engine Hall, housing six Gas Generator Engines, providing MV Supply to a dedicated MV Switchroom. The MV Switchroom provides two MV Supplys to the Power Station Switchyard to step up Transformers via underground conduit, primary side feeding 66Kv into Dual Overhead Lines to the PNG Power Network.